We had a wonderful Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve at my aunt's house to visit with our whole family. The boys enjoyed her Christmas decorations.
Julie M. gave the boys Incredible Hulk hands. They were a huge hit! (No pun intended.) Thankfully they each received a pair, so maybe they will be able to settle their differences by just duking it out.

On Christmas morning, we got the boys in bed with us before going to see what Santa Claus brought. To say they were excited would be an understatement. Oh to be a kid again!
Toy Story 2!
Well who is this?
Santa is introducing Brooks to the action figures of an earlier generation! 

And what is this??? No wonder Reese was so quiet while I was trying to cook. And to make matters worse. He did this twice on Christmas Day. Is 12 Hershey kisses in one morning bad for a 2 year old? 

**Reese never got sick, thankfully. Brooks on the other hand has had the strangest sickness over the holidays. He has had stomach bug like symptoms (to be not so gross) on the 19th, 24th, and then today. The crazy thing is that he has been fine on the days in between these bouts. I guess we will be calling Dr. T tomorrow.
Have a wonderful rest of the holiday season!