My girls from work and I went on our 3rd annual Orange Beach trip last weekend. It was so nice to get away and just spend a few days relaxing!

We always stop at the outlets on the way down. The Old Navy outlet was not as exciting as it was last year. Some of us did find some things at other stores though.

No she didn't buy these.
We stopped at Lamberts that night for some great food. We love to go there because they give you so much food, that we eat the left overs for the next few days for lunch.

We next day we relaxed on the beach and wend to the Oyster House for supper. YUMMY!

Chocolate chip peanut butter pie!!!!!

Then we decided that we needed to go buy floats for the ocean. Fitting six, blown up floats into a mini van was interesting!

The next morning you could see clean up crews going down the beach. We only saw traces of oil while we were there. We found a couple of shells that had oil in them and that was about it.

There is a story behind this picture. On Friday, I was out in the ocean but the other 5 girls noticed this man on his hands and knees. The waves kept knocking him back under the water. They took off down the beach to go help him and another stranger helped too. They sat him up on the beach and he kept saying "Leave me alone, I am fine." I don't know if he was embarrased or just a curmudgeon (which was our word for the trip.) Wouldn't you know on Saturday he was out there again doing the same thing. That is when I snapped this picture.

From the balcony it looked like part of the ocean, right up next to the shore line was dirty. When I got down to the water their was millions of tiny fish swimming around. I have never seen them like that at the beach.

While we were laying out, one of the lounge chair guys came over and put a red flag right by where we were. He said the undertow was especially strong right there. We said to ourselves, "Of course it is right where we chose to be."

We had another great year and thanks to my mother-in-law for the mini van. Can't wait to go back.