The boys had a great time. It was Reese's first time in that big hotel, and to watch him look up for the first time was priceless. Brooks placed 2nd in Speech, and was a finalist in Song Leading. His puppet group was first place! I was so proud of him!! Reese led a song, and read a scripture as well.
The unhappy highlight of the trip was when Brent and I came up on a situation where we saw a mother scolding her child above and beyond what was called for. We didn't know what had happened. We saw the mother yelling at the child, and then looking over the side of their 38th floor balcony, down to the lobby. We were curious!! Brent told a kid in our youth group what we had seen, and this kid decided to go ask what happened. The child had apparently dropped his Ipod touch over the side of the railing. The only thing I could figure out is that the mom was so upset because that could have killed someone had it hit them on the lobby level. Crazy scene!
Baseball is in full swing. Reese's team is doing real well and has won most of their games. Reese has a hard time paying attention, probably due to his hyperactivity, and you know, he is 5. After almost every pitch, one of us will yell, "Reese, Pay Attention!" It is a lot of fun!
Brooks team is struggling, but having a great time being together. (Which is what he will remember.)
Brent gave us all a scare this past weekend. He was taken from work to the hospital with stroke like symptoms. We still don't know what happened, and after an overnight stay, we are no closer to answers. They have done almost every test that can be done, and all have come back normal, which is a blessing. We may never know. I told a couple of friends, that after all this happened, it makes you thankful for your family, and your church family as well. The love and support was amazing!
We are drawing near the end of school which means Kindergarten Graduation!!! Now if I could only explain to my child why he has to wear a cap and gown....
1 comment:
SO glad Brent is ok!
I can't wait to get Ellie involved in L2L!!!
I know that Brooks and Reese are adorable playing baseball!!!
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