2. Melany called me Monday and said that Reese had thrown up at lunch at school. I immediately thought to myself, "he seemed fine this morning." I started to ask her if he was not feeling well and she said not to worry about it. The story she got when questioning him on what happened was this: "I was eating and watching (child) across from me. He was playing with his banana and making stuff come out of it and it made me throw up."
3. This morning when I went and woke him up for school, with his eyes still closed from sleep he said, "Mom, do you know what happened in my dream?" I said, "no Reese, I don't know." He said, "Well, you were in it." (as if I should know because of that)
Love him!
What a cute kid!! :)
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It's a good thing you're writing this stuff down...and bring it back up at his wedding! :)
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