I will go ahead and warn you, this post is picture heavy. But it was the last day of our sightseeing.
This is the only picture I have of our driver. His name is Gede, (I hope that is how you spell it,) pronounced "G'day."
Brent is the one on the left :)
I included this picture because in another area of the "zoo" they were having cock fighting! I was shocked and told Brent. He casually said, "We are not in the U.S. Rebecca." So I just had to bite my tongue and try not to look over that way.
Here is Brent feeding the leader.
I love this picture!

Finally he was full!

Look at the baby!

On further up the mountain there was a gorgeous view of the valley below.

Just thought I would include this picture I took driving by an Indonesian woman.
Another rice patty.
A statue back in town.
This was another touristy area we went too. There were numerous temples of different cultures all together in one spot. The thing that was a little aggravating was that there were people, including kids, everywhere that were trying to sell us useless stuff. It gets old really quick.
Here was one of the temples. You had to wade in the water to even get there, and even then, you had to be a holy man.
Here was one of the temples. You had to wade in the water to even get there, and even then, you had to be a holy man.
All of these pictures have been amazing! The scenery is beautiful.
I love the bat! The rice patty field was really cool too. I think it's hysterical you went to Bubba Gump Shrimp Co for dinner! ha ha
We had to have some "American" food at some point. After awhile, you start craving things like cheese!
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