It is no secret to many of you that Reese is our typical strong willed child. I wish I knew how other children in his class acted on a daily basis. He has gotten several notes sent home over the past few weeks, or either his teacher has called Melany down to the classroom to handle a situation. None of the particular incidents were horrifying, except when he poured water all over his head when he went to use the bathroom during nap time. The rest of the incidents all revolved around hyper activity.
I am no doctor, but based on what Melany knows, we both don't think he is ADD or ADHD. He just has these outbursts of bad behavior every now and then. Melany had decided it must be food related or blood sugar related. The blood sugar thing is not that far fetched, seeing as my dad has diabetes and my sister is hypoglycemic. Melany has tested his blood sugar many times and each time it is in the normal range.
Mom got in on the act of researching what it could be. Melany mentioned a magnesium deficiency and mom sent me an article about it. After reading the symptoms, (only of a mild case of it) it fit Reese perfectly. So, I purchased
this product:

After reading the ingredients and it included Natural Calm Magnesium, I thought I would give it a try. The flip side of it is, it is basically vitamins, and even if it didn't change anything, it wouldn't hurt him and would still be good for him.
His teacher has already noticed a difference in his behaviour. He quietly does his morning work. He goes right to sleep during nap time and doesn't flop around the whole time.
I am shocked!!!
I am not one that believes everything I read about how a certain plant extract, from a certain plant, grown only in the alps, will take away cellulite, but I am a believer in this product.
We will see how long this lasts.......
Now I am searching for a vitamin that will keep brothers from fighting with each other. :)