The South
Where tea is sweet and accents are sweeter; summer starts in April; front porches are wide and words are long; macaroni and cheese is a vegetable; pecan pie is a staple; Y’all is the only proper pronoun; chicken is fried and biscuits come with gravy; everything is darling and someone is always getting their heart blessed. -unknown
Friday, December 24, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Merry Christmas!
I have tried to resize my header three times. Sorry it is so big but I can't bring myself to keep trying.
I hope everyone has a joyous and wonderful Merry Christmas!
I hope everyone has a joyous and wonderful Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Pizza with Santa.
We had a great time at church on Tuesday evening. Some of the young mothers get together every year and host crafts and pizza, and then a visit with Santa.
This was Reese's reaction when Santa came in!
Brooks and Austin with Santa and Mrs. Claus.
Best friends forever!Saturday, December 4, 2010
Visit with Santa
We got to visit with Santa not too long ago, before he becomes really busy with deadlines and last minute preparations for his Christmas Eve flight.
Sadly, right before we went to visit with Santa, Brooks and I had the "Santa talk." I knew it would happen at some point, I just didn't expect it to happen as we were walking out the door to go see the big guy himself. The bright side is that now, Brooks is in on the grown up secret!
Telling Santa that he wants a DS for Christmas.

Reese telling Santa that he wants a guitar, power sword, Toy Story 3, and more.
Thanks for the great visit Santa!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I became "that" mom today.
Last night, we got a note home in Reese's folder that said that Reese had been acting ugly during nap time and that his teacher had asked him to be quiet several times etc. It then said he had to move his clip to yellow.
It also said that he seemed happy about it and was showing his friends!!!!
I talked with him a little last night and he was disciplined for acting that way. Brent wrote on the note (that we had to sign and send back) to call us if needed and we would come up there.
Well, today Melany let us know that Reese was not being any better. So, I asked my boss if I could leave and she said sure! She told me I needed to go in the school like a kamikaze! I drove to the school and had him come out in the hallway. He looked like a deer in headlights. He almost looked like for a split second he was happy to see me, until he realized why I was there. I had a long discussion with him in the hallway. I asked him who decided how he would act. He said, "Mrs. H." I said, "No, who decides how Reese is going to act?" He said in a sad voice, "Me."
We talked some more and then I disciplined him.
I don't know if this will make a difference or not. I just remember how I felt as a child. I would have been mortified if my mom or dad drove up to the school and pulled me out of class. I am hoping this is just a phase and he grows out of it. Maybe he can become more like me. I got in trouble at school for day dreaming. At this point, I would take a day dreamer.
It also said that he seemed happy about it and was showing his friends!!!!
I talked with him a little last night and he was disciplined for acting that way. Brent wrote on the note (that we had to sign and send back) to call us if needed and we would come up there.
Well, today Melany let us know that Reese was not being any better. So, I asked my boss if I could leave and she said sure! She told me I needed to go in the school like a kamikaze! I drove to the school and had him come out in the hallway. He looked like a deer in headlights. He almost looked like for a split second he was happy to see me, until he realized why I was there. I had a long discussion with him in the hallway. I asked him who decided how he would act. He said, "Mrs. H." I said, "No, who decides how Reese is going to act?" He said in a sad voice, "Me."
We talked some more and then I disciplined him.
I don't know if this will make a difference or not. I just remember how I felt as a child. I would have been mortified if my mom or dad drove up to the school and pulled me out of class. I am hoping this is just a phase and he grows out of it. Maybe he can become more like me. I got in trouble at school for day dreaming. At this point, I would take a day dreamer.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
We had a great time with our family this year. The number was smaller but that didn't diminish the great fellowship we had.
Brooks made Pilgrim hat name markers for the table. He insisted we get a picture with our "hats" on.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Just some pics
As Thanksgiving approaches, our whole family has been talking about all of the things we are thankful for.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Halloween Pictures
I only took a couple of Halloween Pictures this year. Brooks had been sick that day, so his daddy stayed home with him. I took Reese to Trunk or Treat and he had a blast hanging out with his friends.
Luckily, for me, Reese wanted to be the exact same thing he was last year. The costume was a little big last year, so this worked out perfectly.
I love this photo! I can always embarrass them with it when they are older.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Can't get it out of my head.
I generally don’t watch the news. I will catch it on occasion, but I don’t make a point to watch it every day. Some will think this is crazy. I know the argument is that one needs to stay caught up on what is going on in this world. I get that. I just can’t bring myself to watch it day in and day out though. The reason I don’t watch it is that I will see some heartbreaking story about some abuse, or murder, or even worse, and then that story will just stick with me for days.
I know there is evil in the world. I have to do my part to shield my children and even myself from that evil as much as possible. There are sad occasions though when you come across situations that you can’t avoid by just turning off the television.
I was pulling in to Publix on Friday afternoon to do my shopping. (Another good week for me….I spent $93.00 for $210.00 worth of groceries!) As I was pulling past the entrance, I noticed a couple coming out with several bags of groceries each. What caught my attention was that he had on bright orange and she had on crimson from head to toe. I thought they must be another divided family, by routing for Auburn and Alabama. I didn’t think much else of it, as I drove around to find a space. When I pulled into the parking space, I noticed the car beside me was facing backward in the space, which gave me a good view of what all was going on in the car. I noticed this same couple lighting up their cigarettes and yelling toward the backseat. I looked in the back seat and saw a little boy, that couldn’t have been older than 18 months sitting there. He was being chewed out by his father for what?!?! It was awful. Then it dawned on me, “Where was this little boy when they were coming out of the store!” Just then they drove off.
I sat there processing all of what I had seen. They had to have left him in the car while they were in the store. They each had several bags of groceries so it wasn’t a quick trip inside. What was going through his mind while his parents had just left him in the car for that long??!!! Was he crying because he thought he had been abandoned? Did he enjoy breathing in that cigarette smoke while all of the windows were rolled up??
If only I had been 5 minutes earlier and saw this situation! I would have called the police. Would my 5 minutes have made a difference in his life?
I just sat there in my car for a long while and prayed for this child. I know there are sad situations everywhere. I know there are people out there that have no business being a parent. All I can do at this point is pray for this precious child of God and hope that his parents will turn from their ways of parenting or that someone close to this family will step in and do what is best for this child.
I just want that afternoon back, to try and make a difference.
I know there is evil in the world. I have to do my part to shield my children and even myself from that evil as much as possible. There are sad occasions though when you come across situations that you can’t avoid by just turning off the television.
I was pulling in to Publix on Friday afternoon to do my shopping. (Another good week for me….I spent $93.00 for $210.00 worth of groceries!) As I was pulling past the entrance, I noticed a couple coming out with several bags of groceries each. What caught my attention was that he had on bright orange and she had on crimson from head to toe. I thought they must be another divided family, by routing for Auburn and Alabama. I didn’t think much else of it, as I drove around to find a space. When I pulled into the parking space, I noticed the car beside me was facing backward in the space, which gave me a good view of what all was going on in the car. I noticed this same couple lighting up their cigarettes and yelling toward the backseat. I looked in the back seat and saw a little boy, that couldn’t have been older than 18 months sitting there. He was being chewed out by his father for what?!?! It was awful. Then it dawned on me, “Where was this little boy when they were coming out of the store!” Just then they drove off.
I sat there processing all of what I had seen. They had to have left him in the car while they were in the store. They each had several bags of groceries so it wasn’t a quick trip inside. What was going through his mind while his parents had just left him in the car for that long??!!! Was he crying because he thought he had been abandoned? Did he enjoy breathing in that cigarette smoke while all of the windows were rolled up??
If only I had been 5 minutes earlier and saw this situation! I would have called the police. Would my 5 minutes have made a difference in his life?
I just sat there in my car for a long while and prayed for this child. I know there are sad situations everywhere. I know there are people out there that have no business being a parent. All I can do at this point is pray for this precious child of God and hope that his parents will turn from their ways of parenting or that someone close to this family will step in and do what is best for this child.
I just want that afternoon back, to try and make a difference.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Pumpkin Patch with Friends!
Julie and I had a wonderful time taking the boys to a pumpkin patch on Saturday.
Reese was fearless by leading the charge to go down the big slide.

He and Cooper had fun going down the slide together.

Brooks even got in on the fun.

Julie pointed out in this picture that her children were sitting the same way and so were mine. They were waiting patiently for the cow train.
They ended up being the only ones on the train.

Then they had a great time at the duck races. Reese like this especially!

After watching the pigs race, we went to drive the tractors. It ended up being a lot harder than it looked.

Then it was off to play in the corn box. I think this was one of the activities the boys liked the most.

Here is Austin and Reese playing at the duck race area.

On the hayride to go pick out a pumpkin.

I love the expression on their faces to see the little pumpkin.

This is probably my favorite picture from the day. They were all checking out a tiny pumpkin that Brooks said, "had just popped." Typical boys.

These are the pumpkins they picked out.

This picture was taken in the middle of the corn maze. Luckily they just wanted to go to "Marshmellow Mountain" and not actually go through the whole maze. I told Julie as we were following the signs to marshmellow mountain that I felt like we were Dora the explorer. "Go through the corn maze, past the signs, to get to Marshmellow Mountain."
Reese was fearless by leading the charge to go down the big slide.
He and Cooper had fun going down the slide together.
Brooks even got in on the fun.
Julie pointed out in this picture that her children were sitting the same way and so were mine. They were waiting patiently for the cow train.
Then they had a great time at the duck races. Reese like this especially!
Then it was off to play in the corn box. I think this was one of the activities the boys liked the most.
On the hayride to go pick out a pumpkin.
I love the expression on their faces to see the little pumpkin.
This is probably my favorite picture from the day. They were all checking out a tiny pumpkin that Brooks said, "had just popped." Typical boys.
These are the pumpkins they picked out.
This picture was taken in the middle of the corn maze. Luckily they just wanted to go to "Marshmellow Mountain" and not actually go through the whole maze. I told Julie as we were following the signs to marshmellow mountain that I felt like we were Dora the explorer. "Go through the corn maze, past the signs, to get to Marshmellow Mountain."
Monday, October 18, 2010
Just a few words
We haven’t had any events happening lately that I felt like blogging about. Our lives right now go from day to day without many changes. Which is a good thing! Here are some words to share that will sum up our life over the past few weeks.
Report Cards
Clean Pantry
Publix Gift Card Winner
Certified Professional Coder
16 pumpkins
Alabama National Fair
Taco Soup
New clothes
Wintzell’s Oyster House
Christmas Shopping
Life on Mars Series
Field Trip
Ink Stain on chair
Roasted Pumpkin seeds
Report Cards
Clean Pantry
Publix Gift Card Winner
Certified Professional Coder
16 pumpkins
Alabama National Fair
Taco Soup
New clothes
Wintzell’s Oyster House
Christmas Shopping
Life on Mars Series
Field Trip
Ink Stain on chair
Roasted Pumpkin seeds
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Stone Soup
This past Sunday afternoon the 1st and 2nd grade classes at school performed their yearly musical production.
This year it was "Stone Soup-A Rock Opera"
Monday, October 4, 2010
Warning, Long Braves Post Ahead
My husband has turned me into a Braves fan, and I am not ashamed to say that!
Brent and I went to the Braves game on Saturday. It was Bobby Cox Tribute Day at the stadium. I bought tickets to this game a long time ago, when I first heard they would be honoring the retiring coach.
Brent and I had really good seats. We were sitting there waiting for the festivities to begin and noticed this man. This is the famous usher Walter Banks. There have been countless news stories and articles written about him. I believe he started working with the Braves in 1965. He is now the VIP usher to the owner's box.
We then began see who's who of the Atlanta Braves organization:

Then, all of the sudden cheers began from the right field area. We looked and former Braves started streaming in.
Hello Greg Maddox.
So many former players were there!
There is Hank Aaron in the blue coat.
All of the current players were seated down the first base line. The managers and other staff were sitting down the third base line.
They showed many different video highlights on the screen. There was a list of his former players scrolling on the screen as they showed various players.
Hey, there is Tim Hudson! War Eagle Tim!
Chipper got up to say a few words on behalf of the team.
They unveiled a painting, which everyone at the game received a copy of when they left.
Bobby's comments were brief, but warmly received by everyone.
It was such a nice tribute to him. But oh yeah, there was a game to be played. Chipper walked the score card out to the umpires.
Hey Brian McCann! I can see you looking at me!

Bobby arguing with the umpire! Classic!
We were sitting watching the game and wouldn't you know Brian Jordan walked by. Hello Brian!
Brian McCann was obviously a crowd favorite.
He even has his own cheering section called McCann's Cans.

Although the score wasn't how we had hoped it would be, we had a great time at the game and it was an excellent tribute to a great manager.
As we were leaving, I took a shot of the field with number 6 cut into it.
Such a great day!
I tried to take a picture of every video tribute they showed during the game. It was quite a different game without the usual between inning games, quizzes, etc.
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