The South

Where tea is sweet and accents are sweeter; summer starts in April; front porches are wide and words are long; macaroni and cheese is a vegetable; pecan pie is a staple; Y’all is the only proper pronoun; chicken is fried and biscuits come with gravy; everything is darling and someone is always getting their heart blessed. -unknown

Monday, March 8, 2010

Field Trip

Brooks' class went on a field trip last week, and I was luckily able to meet him there. It was the "Let's Pretend Hospital." He told me his class voted on a mom, dad, and patient. The field trip was all about teaching them what happens if they have to go to the hospital, and to not be afraid. It was cute!
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tamblair said...

What a cute idea... but that fake person lying on the hospital bed might scare me more than a trip to the hospital!

Rebecca said...

The kids were a more curious than frightened. In the room where the fake person was, they all had stethescopes that they used to hear what the person's heart beat and breathing sounded like. It was pretty neat. What scared them the most was the room where they did blood work. The nurses had to constantly remind them that they really weren't going to draw any blood.