The South

Where tea is sweet and accents are sweeter; summer starts in April; front porches are wide and words are long; macaroni and cheese is a vegetable; pecan pie is a staple; Y’all is the only proper pronoun; chicken is fried and biscuits come with gravy; everything is darling and someone is always getting their heart blessed. -unknown

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Long Week

It has been a long week. Reese has been so sick, and I feel so badly for him. This hasn’t slowed him down any from playing etc. so that lets me know that he must have some energy. We went to our doctor’s office yesterday because he hasn’t gotten any better. The doctor (not our usual one :( ) confirmed he does have RSV. He said that the medications he is taking really won’t help anything and it will just have to run its course. What a bummer! I am glad that we do not have to do anymore breathing treatments; luckily he is not that sick. I know some of you reading this have been through all this before, and some have even had children hospitalized by this. What a yucky sickness!

Along that same line, Reese hasn’t been sleeping well. He has been in his crib, minus the car seat, for the past two nights. Let me just say that he kept us up for most of the night Sunday and Monday nights. When I got up Tuesday morning and got in the shower, I literally was giving myself a pep talk. I was saying, “Rebecca, in college you made it on a lot less sleep than this, every night. You can make it through this day! Come on lets get after it!” But let me just say, college was almost 10 years ago. I just don’t function like that anymore. I can remember never going to bed before curfew, and very rarely did I even get in my room before then. Then once I was in the apartments on campus, and didn’t have a curfew-I stayed up even later. WHERE DID MY YOUTH GO?


tamblair said...

You are mentally exhausted as well. It is a scary situation when your child is not breathing well. Hopefully, he'll be sleeping better by the weekend, and you can get the rest you need! Hang in there!

Leah said...

Uh, if you find yours, see if mines there too! Marley is still sick and I took her to the doctor today. She had to have a breathing treatment, she slept through it and I almost fell asleep! Her snuggled down on me so warm and the hum of the was hard to stay awake! And I'd only been through one night of bad(or little) sleep! I hope Mr. Reese feels all better really soon. It's no fun being sick!

Rebecca said...

I wish Reese was more like Marley, he screamed through both of his breathing treatments, like we were making him breath in fire!

Anonymous said...

I was just talking to a friend about how when you have an infant, you go into survival mode and can handle not sleeping through the night OK. But, once that infant starts sleeping through the night and then quits, it's SOOOO hard to go back to survival mode. I hope Reese is better soon! Ian was in the hospital last year with the croup and HATED the breathing treatments. We have a nebulizer at home that we have to use a couple of times a year, but he's finally adjusting to that one.

Kristin said...

Eli had asthma from about 18 months until last June when Dr. T declared that he had likely outgrown it. We were once in the hospital with pneumonia (in July) and had three years of breathing treatments. It is so hard to watch your child suffer and to handle it all gracefully - I know I wasn't able to. I remember telling my dad that "I hadn't signed up for this" aspect of parenting. I guess I did, it was in the small print I didn't bother reading.

Kristi said...

Bless his AND your heart! I remember that our docs couldn't do anything to treat the virus - but it had to run it's course. And, we tried to keep the coughing to a minimum. I remember the day that Kate was put into the hospital, and how GLAD I was, because she was so sick. She was at the point of making herself vomit from her violent coughing. I knew she would feel better so much faster. And, she did. And, he will too! And, hopefully sleep better sooner!

carrie said...

I hope that he gets better soon for both of you! I often wonder where my youth went. I could stay up all night and do lock-ins in Oklahoma. Now, at 10:00 I am exhausted. I only wish I got to go to bed that early every night!

Unknown said...

Apparently our youth went down the toilet with our 20's. ha ha Sleep, sweet sleep. How I love thee.

Anonymous said...

You've been tagged...see our website for details: :)

Leah said...

Spoke too soon. The first one was fine, since then, it's been a nightmare. I'm on the phone right now with the Dr.s office for another appointment, I can't tell that she's getting any better. She's thrown up her medicine both times I've given it to her and fights like a bear against the BT now.

BTW, I haven't forgotten about the Entertainment center. I think the price is fine. Can we, after the kids are well, come see it again. I saw it, but Mark didn't and he'd like to before we completley commit. Would that be ok?

Three plus Me said...

You are doing the best thing for him! Don't give up! Like you've told me...It won't be like this forever. But, in the here and now it's hard to make it through, let me know if you need anything. Even to take Brooks off your hands.