The South
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The Pirate House

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Trip Continued...
On the historical marker below it mentions that much of the structure was destroyed by fire in 1898. Inside there were a couple of pictures of what it looked like after the fire. I am still amazed that they were able to rebuild the place in 2 years, especially since their resources during that time were very limited, compared to today.Luckily when we arrived it was one of the times when the inside was open for viewing.
This was one of the MANY stained glass windows inside.This next picture was of the front of, what I would call an auditorium, but I know that isn't the correct terminology, so forgive me. There were so many ornate and beautiful things to look at.
This picture was looking back toward what I would call the balcony.
It was well worth the stop along the way to see this!!!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Our Trip to Savannah
While we were waiting on our flight, we were informed that our plane was having some maintenence issues, which eventually turned into our flight getting cancelled. Luckily the airline tranferred us to another airline, and we only had to wait a couple of more hours. Because of our long layover that was supposed to take place in Atlanta, we actually got to Savannah about the same time. That is not without mentioning that we were almost "those people" that are seen running through the airport in Charlotte, NC to catch our next flight. Anyway...
We noticed this plane at the Montgomery airport before we left. It looks just like Air Force One, and even said "United States of America" on it. Interesting!!!
On Thursday we got to The Lady and Son's restaurant at about 9:45 to get our name on the list for lunch. Since we got there so early, we had no trouble getting a table for lunch time. Here is a picture of the outside of her gift shop.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
That's My...
The other night Brooks and I had an argument about getting in the bath tub. It escalated with me finally yelling, “I am your mother, and you will do as I say.” Brooks then said, “Yes ma’am” and proceeded to go get his bath. After he got out of the bathtub, he came and apologized and said he was sorry for arguing with me. He has the biggest heart.
That’s my Brooks.
Reese had to go to the doctor today for a cough. (I believe it is related to asthma.) Dr. T was asking Reese about using his inhaler, which has a mask on it. Reese then told Dr. T that he was Darth Vader when he used it. He then went into a lengthy discussion with Dr. T about how Anakin Skywalker turned into Darth Vader. He is such a thinker.
That’s my Reese.
My husband took off work today to take Reese to the doctor, even though he has a crazy amount of work to do right now. He is such a giver. We are going on a trip soon and he let me plan the entire thing, knowing I would be happiest deciding what we would be doing each day.
That’s my Brent.
Today is Wednesday, which means that instead of going all the way back home, and then coming all the way back to Montgomery for church, we just go to my parent’s house for supper before church. It happens every Wednesday. They provide supper for us every week, and a couple weeks ago I tried to pay for a pizza for all of us, and dad wouldn’t let me. The boys cry often when it is time to leave their house, even though they will see them in a couple of days.
That’s my parents.
Melany comes every morning and picks up the boys and takes them to school, and every afternoon she brings them back home. She takes our recycling to the recycling center every week. Barry has helped around our house more times than I can count, and has on numerous occasions kept one of the children when they were sick. We have called them and woke them from a dead sleep to ask them questions about the boys or about injuries, and they have never minded doing any of these things. They offer to help us more times than we can accept.
That’s my in-laws.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Spit it out!
They finished eating and we got Reese’s “homework” out. He had a laminated flip chart that had letters on it, and he had to match some little letters with Velcro on them to the chart. He did a good job and got to the end and couldn’t find the “U”. I didn’t think to much about it because this assignment gets passed around from child to child each night. I just figured the “U” was missing. A few moments later our dog Harley coughed up the letter “U” onto the kitchen floor. What in the world?
I guess I need to have a talk with the whole family, including Harley; that we do not eat things that do not belong to us.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Is it easy?
His note said he was not obeying. When I asked him what he was doing he said, "I was not listening, I was not obeying, and I was not being nice."
Why is it so hard for him to understand it is easy being good. I went over and over this last night with him. "Reese when Mrs. H tells you to sit down, it is EASY to follow those instructions and sit down."
"Reese, it is easy to be quiet, you just don't talk."
"Reese, it is easy to listen."
My question is....does it ever become easy raise a 4 year old?